I have a class that just loves wordplay. It's delightful. We had a lesson on what you like to eat, and the kids were supposed to be reading a dialogue 'I like this' or 'I don't like that'. The kids love to change all the dialogue. If it says 'I like' they'll say 'I hate', or 'I don't like', then laugh their asses off. A lot of times they'll make up their own funny thing like 'I like poison teacher!' 'I like kill teacher!' One kid today said 'I like head!' with the brightest, most earnest smile. I nearly died laughing. 'I like eat head!' He meant eating a human head, but that didn't make it better, kid.
My name in Hangul, by the students:

Photo of me, thanks to Ken student:
Today I am in a good mood, mysterious Chinese poster!