Chuck's brother came to town and I had a good old time talking to him at the tavern we went to after PTC. He was quite a hit - the Koreans were mad impressed that he's in law school. I'm now officially part of the club which means I can write for their newsletter, so I'm thinking about preparing an article for them. I need to cook up something sufficiently weird and interesting, but also written in plain plain plain English so it's understood. Suggestions invited.
One dude in the club is known as the king. He's older and thus gets all his drinks poured for him and 'gets it done'. He enjoys Maek-so, which is soju poured into beer. When I tried to leave to catch my train home he grabbed me and would not let go. He kept motioning that he wanted to tell me a secret and then yelled in Korean in my ear. When I finally broke away he punched and kicked me! Luckily I'm mad strong and resilient and he was drunk and weak. The awkwardness was compounded because I was pinky swearing with a Korean girl that I'd see her again as this assault occurred.
I picked a Korean baseball team to root for - the LG Twins. My friend In Hwan from the club told me 'They have a big following, but usually rank quite poorly.' 'Just like the Cubs!' I replied. So In Hwan and I will be catching some LG Twins games soon.
So Chuck and I are the only old people in the club, and more notably the only white people. They just printed a poster for the club and Chuck and I figure prominently in it. Pictures follow:
Up close:
That king needs some ousting. Doesn't he know you only follow a democracy, or possibly cheerocracy?