It was a brilliant night though. The king was back, and I reminded him about his violence last weekend. 'I show lovely through (punching gesture)' he said. His English isn't so hot. I should say that the king's name is Tae Eun - he nearly killed me for forgetting. 'I don't even remember American names!' I pleaded. 'You in Korea now - you do like us!' I'm trying to get better with the names, Tae Eun, believe me.
I finally snapped some pictures of my classroom. Here is one of my younger classes. I like how the girl on the left is menacing another with a fist:
We play a lot of hangman - and one day when I got tired of coming up with English words the kids might know I decided to have them host. It's one of my teaching moves now. Here's Anna with a cold and face mask hosting hangman:
Here's my next class - hard at work and one girl in her hapkido outfit:
Same class, except the boy side of the room. I don't divide them up - I guess kids at that age stick to their own gender: