I was introduced to 'eye war' today in one of my classes. It's just what we call a staring contest, but isn't 'eye war' a way cooler way to say that? In another class I taught today the writers of the textbook I was using tried to introduce some modern vernacular in a dialogue about getting a cell phone. The male protagonist, Billy, gets a cell phone from his father and exclaims 'totally awesome!' Billy really has passion on the CD I play for the kids to help them get a handle of the pronunciation. But Billy's enthusiasm pales to the delight I feel when I hear bored, listless Korean kids recite 'to-tall-ee awe-somee' in a barely alive monotone while reading the dialogue back to me.
In other news, I'm an idiot. I've been taking a bus to a subway miles away, when, as pointed out by a helpful Scotsman who's lived in Haengsin for some time, there is an express metro train from the station right next to my house. It's a 15 minute ride to the center of Seoul, compared to my former hour and a half ordeal. The next photo is taken from the platform of that station (click picture to enlarge):